jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Phisical apperance

La estructura necesaria para hablar sobre la aparencia fisica en inglés es
muy parecida en inglés y español.

1. He has + (adjetivo) + (sustantivo)
2. He is + adjetivo.

EG: 1. He has blue eyes = tiene los ojos azules
2. He is bald = Es calvo

What does your friend look like?

What do you look like?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTG0kRuXWbQ

face = la cara/el rostro
facial featuresrasgos
she has a thin facetiene la/una cara delgada
an oval faceuna cara ovalada
a round faceuna cara redonda
clean-shavenbien afeitado
a bloated faceuna cara hinchada/abotagada
a cherubic faceuna cara angelical
a chubby faceuna cara regordete
a chubby/podgy faceuna cara rechoncha, regordete, gordinflona
he had a weather-beaten facetenía un rostro curtido
a face liftun lifting, un estiramiento facial
she has frecklestiene pecas, es pecosa
rosy cheeksmejillas sonrosadas
a birthmarkun antojo/una mancha de nacimiento
a double chinuna papada
hollow cheekslas mejillas hundidas
a dimpleun hoyuelo
a deadpan faceuna cara de póquer/de palo
a doleful faceuna cara compungida
a sad faceuna cara triste
a serious faceuna cara seria
a smiling faceuna cara sonriente
a happy faceuna cara alegre
to go red in the face (with anger/heat)ponerse colorado/rojo
to go red/to blush (with embarassment)sonrojarse/ruborizarse
he looks worriedparece preocupado
a smileuna sonrisa
a smirkuna sonrisita
a frownel ceño fruncido

nose = la nariz
a bulbous noseuna nariz protuberante
a hooked noseuna nariz aguileña
a big noseuna nariz grande
a turned-up/snub noseuna nariz respingona
a pointed noseuna nariz puntiaguda
a flat nose/a pug noseuna nariz chata
a lopsided noseuna nariz ladeada/torcida
a hooter/conk (colloquial Br. Eng.)
a schnozzle (colloquial Am. Eng.)
una napia
to flare your nostrils/to snortresoplar/bufar

eyes = los ojos
she has brown eyestiene los ojos marrones
hazelcolor avellana
he has beady eyestiene los ojos redondos y brillantes como cuentas
a black eyeun ojo morado
red eyesojos rojizos
bloodshot eyesojos sanguinolentos/injectados de sangre
to winkguiñar el ojo
to blinkpestañear/parpadear
she is cross-eyedes bizca
a squintuna bizquera, un estrabismo
she's blindes ciega
he's blind in one eyees tuerto
to go blindquedarse ciego
crow's feetpatas de gallo
sunken eyesojos hundidos
piggy eyesojitos redondos y brillantes
bulging eyesojos saltones
slit/slanting eyesojos achinados
a styeun orzuelo
shifty eyesojos furtivos
eyebrows = las cejas
arched eyebrowscejas arqueadas
bushy eyebrowscejas tupidas
thick eyebrowscejas pobladas
to raise your eyebrowsarquear las cejas
eyelashes = las pestañas
false eyelashespestañas postizas
hareliplabio leporino
chapped lipslabios agrietados
buckteethdientes de conejo/dientes salidos
false teethdentadura postiza
front teethpaletas/dientes de adelante
wisdom teethmuelas del juicio
to chatter (teeth)castañetear
my teeth are chatteringme castañetean los dientes

hair = el pelo/cabello
she has blond hairtiene el pelo rubio
auburncastaño rojizo
she has grey haires canosa, tiene el pelo canoso, tiene canas
mousy hairel pelo castaño desvaído
she's red-haired/red-headedes pelirrojo
a brunetteuna morena
dyed hairel pelo teñido
long hairel pelo largo
short hairel pelo corto
shoulder-length hairel pelo hasta los hombros
curly hairel pelo rizado
wavy hairel pelo ondulado
frizzy hairel pelo crespo
spiky hairel pelo de punta
she has permed hairse ha hecho un permanente
crimped hairpelo rizado con tenacillas
straight hairel pelo liso
a fringeun flequillo
a partinguna raya
a pigtailuna trenza
a ponytailuna cola
a bunun moño
lank hairel pelo lacio
dullsin brillo
greasy hairel pelo graso/grasoso
she has thick hairtiene mucho pelo/tiene el pelo grueso
shiny hairel pelo brillante
split endslas puntas abiertas
dandruffla caspa
a pageboyun peinado/corte a lo paje
a bobuna melena
a hairdoun peinado
a crew cutun pelo cortado al rape
a wiguna peluca
a toupéeun peluquín, un tupé
a bald patchuna calva/una pelada
he's baldingse está quedando calvo
build = complexión
she’s got a very good figuretiene una figura estupenda
plump (a nicer way of saying fat)gordito
a beer bellyuna panza
a hunchbackun jorobado
he walks with a limpcojea
medium heightde estatura media
medium buildde talla media
he's a large manes un hombre corpulento

General Terms
handsome, good-looking, attractiveguapo
pretty, good-looking, attractive, lovelyguapa, bonita, linda,
he’s quite a hunkestá buenísimo
beautifulpreciosa, guapísima, lindísima, hermosa, bella
Other notes
He looks a bit ______
In Spanish "tiene pinta de ____" is very common for giving a general idea about the appearance. See examples on the right:
tiene pinta de delincuente:
he looks like a criminal

tiene pinta de extranjero
he looks a bit foreign
He looks sad
Note that when we say how something "seems" or "looks" (probably because we are not certain) we use parecer.
parece triste
a strong- looking manun hombre de apariencia fuerte

How to talk about physical appearance?

There are many ways to talk about physical appearance and describe people in English. In this post, We have provide you the most common conversations and conversational phrases which are used in describing people and talking about their physical appearance.
He is Short!
He is Short!
A: So, is your boss young?
He is in hes thirties, I guess about 35.
A: Its quite long.
B: What color is it?
A: Its light brown. And its a little curly.
A: He is not very tall, about 175 centimeters.
B: Oh yeah, that’s not so tall.
A: He looks about 17.
B: No, he is older than that. He is almost 25.
A: No, I don’t believe it. He doesn’t look that old.
A: She likes to wear it really short.
B: Yeah? And is it straight or curly?
A: Curly. Really curly. You cant miss her when you see her.
A: Is she short?
B: No, she is really tall. about 180 centimeters.
A: Is she in her teems or her twenties?
B: I think she is in her twenties. She is really nice. Do you want to see her?
A: Yeah, sure.
A: Its not very long but its very straight. And its sometimes green.
B: Green!
A: Yeah. He sings in a rock band, I think.
Part B:
A: What does your friend look like, Tony?
B: Cindy? Oh, she’s tall. And she’s got long, dark brown hair.
A: Tell me about your boy friend, Anne.
B: Well, his name’s Bob. He is 17. Let me see… Well, she’s got curly brown hair. He is not very tall–about average. But he is really good-looking.
He is average.
He is average.
A: So, Bob, whats the new girl in the class like?
B: She’s pretty tall, about 170centimeters. She’s got glasses and short curly hair. I think she is about 20.
A: Whats her name?
B: I can’t remember. Anne, I think.
A: So, tell me about your cousin, Paul.
B: Well, she is very pretty.
A: Really? Is she blond?
B: No, she’s got dark brown hair. Everybody likes her. She is an actress.
A: Really? I’d like to meet her.

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