lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Prueba Vaughan

  • Éste es el mío.
    •  This is my.
    •  This one is the mine.
    •  This one is mine.
  • ¿Aquellas manzanas son verdes?
    •  Those apples are green?
    •  Are those apples green?
    •  Those apples are greens?
  • Está nevando en el sur de Inglaterra.
    •  Its snowing in the south of England
    •  Is snowing in the south of the England.
    •  It's snowing in the south of England.
  • Él conduce un coche rojo.
    •  He drive a red car.
    •  She drive a red car.
    •  He drives a red car.
      • El primo de Oliver vive en Inglaterra.
        •  Oliver's cousin lives in England.
        •  The cousin of Oliver live in England.
        •  Olivers cousin lives in England.
      • Ella es tan inteligente como tú.
        •  She is as intelligent as you are.
        •  She is so intelligent that you are.
        •  She is as intelligent than you are.
      • Le permití (a él) que se fuera.
        •  I let him go.
        •  I let him to go.
        •  I allowed him go.
      • ¿Qué hacemos?
        •  What do we do?
        •  What shall we do?
        •  What are we doing?
          • ré en Inglaterra a partir de la semana que viene.
            •  I'll be in England apart from next week.
            •  I'll be in England since next week.
            •  I'll be in England as of next week.
          • Lo habría hecho si lo hubiese sabido.
            •  I would have done it if I'd known.
            •  I would do it if I would know.
            •  I would have done it if I would have known.
          • Si hubieses nacido en 1900, tendrías más de 100 años.
            •  If you would have born in 1900 you'd be over 100 years old.
            •  If you'd been born in 1900, you'd be over 100 years old.
            •  If you would have been born in 1900, you'd be over 100 years old.
          • ¿Por qué aun no se ha terminado?
            •  Why it hasn't been finished yet?
            •  Why doesn't it have finished yet?
            •  Why hasn't it been finished yet?
          • 1-c
          • 2-b
          • 3-c
          • 4-c
          • 5-a
          • 6-a
          • 7-a
          • 8-b
          • 9-c
          • 10-a
          • 11-b
          • 12-c